From a coastal area of Cat Hai that was just a shrimp pond and salt fields – a place associated with the livelihood of many poor island district residents, Cat Hai (Hai Phong) today is adorned with a large construction site of VinFast – a complex automobile manufacturer with the goal of making Vietnamese-branded cars in just 24 months.
Vinadic is accelerating progress and completing items at Vinfast
Proud to be one of the contractors participating in this large project from the early days, Vietnam Construction Investment Development Joint Stock Company (Vinadic) is participating in the following categories: infrastructure construction, road construction, communication, construction of water supply and drainage systems, construction of breakwaters, … with a total contract package of more than 300 billion VND, and continuing to deploy the remaining items of the project.
Vinfast in the afternoon is as beautiful as a picture
Vinfast is completing the work. Looking from a distance, Vinfast is as beautiful as a picture, but few people know that not long ago this place was full of concrete, iron, and steel, and the road was muddy every time it rained.
The vinfast project is being completed